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Beginning Java developement with Eclipse

Eclipse is a very popular and widely used software development environment.
It can be used to develop applications in various languages like Java ,C++,PHP and many more.

Here we will discuss about the use of Eclipse to develop Hello World program in 6 simple steps.

STEP 1. Download and Install JDK

JDK(Java Development Kit) will be required to run Eclipse as well as develop and test your application.Various versions of JDK are available, I recommend you to download JDK 1.6

Eclipse and Java

JDK can be downloaded here --->

STEP 2: Download and Install Eclipse

Eclipse is available in a zip format. Just unzip it to install.

Eclipse download

You can download and install it from this link.

STEP 3: Starting and Configuring Eclipse

Eclipse can be run by launching eclipse.exe in the installation directory.
On starting eclipse, you will be prompted to choose a workspace.This is a folder location where your java files will be saved. I will name the workspace C:\eclipse workspace\MyFirstProject and press OK.

starting eclipse

Eclipse window will open and you will see the welcome screen.Close the welcome screen tab.

eclipse workspace screenshot

Now, go to File -> New -> Java project
You will see a screen like this.

creating new java project

Here I will give the project name as 'Hello World'.
Select the 'Use default JRE(Currently JRE 6)' option.
Click Finish.

The Hello world project will appear in the left side panel.

create new java projectSTEP 4. Creating Java class

Go to File -> New -> Class
A new Java class window will appear as shown below.

new java class created

Here, you have to specify following:
  1. Name of the package - Lets say com.pack.hello
  2. Name of the class - HelloWorld
  3. Select the checkBox 'public static void main...' (This will create the main method for your class)
We will keep the other options as is and click Finish.
The new class will appear in the editor and also a node will appear in the left panel below the project node.

class created

: Writing the code

Let us write a simple java code to print 'Hello world'.

Type following code in the main() method

System.out.println("Hello world !!!");

P.S. A short cut to writing System.out.println is :
Write sysout and press cntrl + space bar
the sysout will convert to System.out.println("");

STEP 6: Running the code

Right-click on the HelloWorld class icon and select

Run As - > Java Application

as shown in the screenshot below.

run java application eclipse

If you have done everything right,you should see 'Hello World !!!' printed in the console in the bottom panel.

eclipse console output

Congrats. You have successfully developed your first java application !!!


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