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Five most useful spring modules

 Java Spring framework is one of the popular java frameworks.

A thread on 5 commonly used spring modules

1. Spring Boot and Spring MVC
These modules makes it easy and quick to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications that you can "just run".
Example Use:- A RESTful service with self-container server.

2. Spring Batch
This module is used to build batch applications that need to recurrently process large volumes of data.
Features: Chunk based processing, retry, skip
Example Use:- Everyday, read data of daily trades from database and update the credit on customer's accounts.

3.Spring Data
Provides a spring based programming model for accessing data.
This module has very powerful features and supports wide range of databases.
Example Use:- Read, Write data from PostgreSQL for your application.

4.Spring Cloud
Provides tools for developers to quickly build some of the common patterns of distributed systems.
Libraries for Service registration and discovery, Circuit breaker, Load balancing etc. are available.
Example Use:- Ecommerce application built using microservices.

5. Spring Security
This is the de-facto standard for securing Spring-based applications.
Provides authorization and authentication for java applications.
Example Use:- A bank application that needs authentication and authorization for various user roles.

Most of the times you will use multiple spring libraries/modules together.
For detailed explanation of various modules, visit the official spring documentation 

Let me know in comments if you are looking for detailed explanation of any spring module.


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